Docker builds

So you don’t trust downloading Docker images from the web, eh? You are right! No one should trust the internet!

Our images are built and pushed using Github Actions. You can manually check if the images are being tampered with by doing the following:

  • Head over to the Actions section on Github and open up the build that you want to check

  • For each generated Docker image there’s a step called Image digest – this is the sha256 checksum of the image generated on Github

  • Head over to the Docker hub and check that the sha256 checksum for the image and the sha256 checksum for the commit are the same as it’s displayed in Github


Here’s an example from the commit 98e5080 The associated Github Action for the xorg image reports:

xorg > sha256:6b8555260ed07c7ed466e0b821922a3cedf4ee27b9d6b8fea9d6aa2995b75f61

The image layer details on the Docker Hub reports:


I don’t trust you, can’t I just build the images myself?

You sure can! Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Base Images

We have two images that are only used as the base for our other images; they aren’t ever launched by themselves and therefore they don’t appear in the compose files. Since they don’t appear in the compose files, docker compose can’t automatically build them. Instead, you must specify which images to use as environment variables, found in env/build.env.

If you want to build the base images yourself too, that’s no problem. First build the base image:

sudo DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t my-gow-base images/base

Then the base-app image, passing the base image you just built as a build arg:

sudo DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=my-gow-base -t my-gow-base-app images/base-app

Lastly, edit env/build.env to specify your newly built images to be used for future compose builds:


You can, of course, choose any tags you like instead of my-gow-base and my-gow-base-app.

App and System Images

Any of the app or system images described in the compose files can be easily built using the run-gow script. First, edit the appropriate compose YAML files and uncomment the build: section, to let docker compose know you want to build those images rather than pulling it from a registry. You may also want to comment out the image: lines to make sure there’s no confusion.

Then, build the images you’ve chosen by running run-gow:

sudo run-gow [options] build

You should call run-gow with the same options you plan to run apps with; specifically, be sure to use the right combination of --gpu, --platform, --streamer, and --app.