
Before launching GoW for the first time, you’ll want to set up your environment to your tastes.

Local state

GoW is set up to use a directory of your choice from your host system as a place to store anything that needs to persist when you stop and restart containers. Because this same directory is (typically) mapped into each container, it can also be a way to share data between multiple containers.

Before you launch GoW for the first time, create a new directory and update the LOCAL_STATE variable in your User environment to match.

On unRAID, the local_state folder you just created will likely be owned by root, and it may not be writable from the containers launched by GoW, which mostly do not run as root. Until GoW has support for changing the UID inside the containers, you may need to chmod 777 local_state to make sure anyone can write to it.

Time zone

In order to make the time zone inside your container match your actual local time zone, you’ll need to update the TIME_ZONE variable in your [User environment]. If you’re not sure what to set it to, check out this list of tz database time zones.

User environment

Your user environment is typically stored in the user.env file in the directory you cloned GoW into. It contains a simple list of environment variables, one per line. Comments and blank lines are allowed, but variable substitutions are not.

If it’s more convenient to store your user environment outside the git directory, you can also put it in $HOME/.config/gow/user.env instead. If both files exist, the one in $HOME/.config will be preferred.

Platform environment

  • Host Desktop

  • Headless

Configuration values that are specific to running with the host desktop can be found in the env/host-desktop.env file. You might need to tweak the socket locations or XORG_DISPLAY based on your system.

Configuration values that are specific to running in headless mode can be found in the env/headless.env file. Most of those values will already be set correctly, but you may want to tweak the resolution, frame rate, and display port to suit your preferences.

Now it’s time to launch GoW!